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  • Q How to ensure that the purchase is genuine?

    A The merchant promises that when consumers purchase the above-mentioned non-"genuine" products, in addition to canceling the transaction contract, they will increase compensation to consumers. The increased compensation amount will be four times the actual price paid by consumers.
  • Q How to ensure that the purchase is genuine?

    A The merchant promises that when consumers purchase the above-mentioned non-"genuine" products, in addition to canceling the transaction contract, they will increase compensation to consumers. The increased compensation amount will be four times the actual price paid by consumers.
  • Q How to ensure that the purchase is genuine?

    A The merchant promises that when consumers purchase the above-mentioned non-"genuine" products, in addition to canceling the transaction contract, they will increase compensation to consumers. The increased compensation amount will be four times the actual price paid by consumers.
  • Q How to ensure that the purchase is genuine?

    A The merchant promises that when consumers purchase the above-mentioned non-"genuine" products, in addition to canceling the transaction contract, they will increase compensation to consumers. The increased compensation amount will be four times the actual price paid by consumers.
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